Ch Boardwalk Ticket To The Moon
BIS/BISS Silvery Moon Unforgrettable stepped from her crate at Newark airport and she took my breath away. Shipped east to be bred to my Brady, Ch Jewelbox Diamond Jim, she had that strong, true rear I have strived for in my line, an elegant lean head, and a dense, dark coat. She needed a smaller male, and Brady fit the bill. Her owners agreed to let me have a puppy rather than a stud fee. From the two puppy litter, Boardwalk Ticket To The Moon came east. Ticket was a strong male, big boned, with that dense, dark coat. His fantastic temperament made him a joy to live with, and eventually he convinced my niece to make him king of her castle. Ticket's contribution to my breeding program has been significant. He brought genetic diversity while strengthening the traits I valued so much, good shoulders, true rears. His coat and color show up generations beyond his immediate offspring.

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers