new BIS, R King and Japanese Champion

I have owned and competed with pure bred dogs since 1982. I had several champion and obedience titled Borzoi between 1982 and 1999. When I had to change to a smaller breed, the Bedlington Terrier was an easy choice. I have applied all my acquired knowledge and experience to purchasing and breeding top quality competitors and healthy companions. To date I have finished over 30 champions, had multiple National Specialty Winners Dog or Winners Bitch, and several Terrier group placements in conformation competition. In addition, Ashcroft bred dogs have achieved titles in Agility, Earthdog, Barn Hunt, Rally Obedience, Canine Good Citizen, Scent Work, Farm Dog, Fast CAT and Coursing Ability Test. Foundation bitch Ch Wrightwyn's Puttin On The Ritz is a BTCA Brood Bitch Award winner, and Ch Ashcroft Do U Believe In Magic JE, CA, RATO was the BTCA top owner handled bitch in 2007 and the first barn hunt titled Bedlington in the USA.
I am an AKC Breeder of Merit and a BTCA Breeder of Distinction.
CH Ashcroft Som're Winsome And Then Some

Ashcroft Som're Winsome And Then Some earned WB/BOW for a 4 point major at the Bedlington Terrier Club of America Eastern Specialty, to finish her AKC Championship

Owner/Trainer Tisha Palmer reports: Today was exciting! We are talking history-in-the-making-really-big-deal exciting:
Gilbert the Searching Sheep becomes the First Bedlington Terrier to earn NACSW’s- NW3-Elite title
Tisha and "G" ended their 6 trial / 6 weeks roller coaster of a NW3 journey with a successful & smooth trial in Wappingers Falls, NY hosted by Top Notch Dogs, LLC. Certifying Official Karin Damon simply did not disappoint & Gilbert received some nice praise & two P’s from judges Lee Laubach & Gail McCarthy.
I am thrilled to welcome Arkada Sirene Skylark At Ashcroft. Sky is out of Augusta Blue Diamond From Switzerland by CH Ashcroft Here's To The Good Times. She is a beautiful blend of American and multiple top European bloodlines.
She shares her dam with BTCA Grand National Specialty winning GCH CH Arkada Sirene Aioli Autumn Golden Leaf (Masha), and sire Cruise is a grandson of Masha's sire GCH CH Ashcroft Wedding Crasher on his mother's side and a son of Velvety The Boy In The Fancy Suit.

Recent shows have seen Winsome, Ashcroft Som're Winsome And Then Some earn a NOHS Grp 1, Grp3 and BOB to garner her singles and first major.

CH Ashcroft Stand And Deliver
Cash finished his AKC championship just after his first birthday earning multiple BOB over top ranked specials, three majors and an NOHS group placement along the way. Cash ascribes to the "be a lover, not a fighter" train of thought and has a constantly wagging tail.

CH Ashcroft Here's To The Good Times.
Cruise earned two majors his first weekend out in July, the weather was blazing and so was this handsome boy! Cruise finished his championship with four BOW at the KC Of Philadelphia circuit in Oaks PA in 2022.

Cruise has sired multiple litters at Ashcroft, a litter for Arkada Sirene kennels, and is currently out of the country wooing another lovely Bedlington lady.

In Japan, BIS JP CH Ashcroft If You Just Smile returned to the ring to bring home BOB and Group 2!
Smile's daughters, Ashcroft Som're Winsome And Then Some, and Ashcroft Som're Bound For Glory have been shown at a few shows in 2022 and 2023.
CH Ashcroft Star Light, Star Bright finished her title with another BOS over a top ranked special for her final point. Terrier expert and judge Beth Sweigart was very complimentary of my home bred girl!

2022 started off well, with Brighton, Ashcroft Star Light, Star Bright earning her first points by winning Best 0f Opposite Sex over two champions.
At the Bedlington Terrier Club of America's Eastern Specialty, Brighton was Winner's Bitch, Best of Winners for a 5 point major! She was also BOS in Sweepstakes.
Another major going BOS over three CH bitches put Brighton within a few points of her championship at 10 months old.

Ashcroft dogs are versatile! Meet GILBERT,
Gilbert has been working his magic at Scentwork/Nosework events, winning competitors and judges over to the skills of a Bedlington Terrier.

2019 has brought the addition of two remarkable imports to improve the genetic diversity of dogs from Ashcroft. From Russia, the lovely L'End Show Music Shall Surround You joins the family. From Sweden, Velvety The Boy In The Fancy Suit is also making himself at home. I am looking forward to presenting these youngsters to the fancy, and incorporating them into future plans at Ashcroft.

Late 2018 Ashcroft If You Just Smile joined his owner Kazumi Abe in Japan. November 2019 saw Smile earn his Japanese Championship by going BEST IN SHOW and R. King, owner groomed and handled by Kazumi! This sweet dog has a wonderful life ahead with his devoted owner, a masterful groomer with her own shop providing amazing care to her customers' pets.
2018 ended with Singer top Bedlington in Sweden for the 2nd year. 2017 brought wonderful news from overseas, where BISS USCH CIB NORDUCH SEUCH NOUCH FINUCH WW-14 NORDW-14 NO W-16 SE W-14-15-17 Ashcroft Wedding Singer was ranked #1 Bedlington Terrier in Sweden, #4 Terrier overall. With very limited showing, Ashcroft Notice My Awesomeness, Bliss, was ranked #2 Bedlington bitch. I am thrilled at the success these Ashcroft dogs have had for owner handler Ninna Odehag of Kennel Notice, Surahammar Sweden.
Amtrak's online magazine, The National, featured Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers in the February article "Fear and Roving At The Philadelphia Kennel Club".
"Brandon, a grand champion Bedlington terrier, is a fluffy, white mohawked rodent assassin that looks like a frontman for a New Wave band. Or maybe a sheep. His hipster hairdo, right down to the poofball tassles on his ears, are part of the breed standard, rooted in utilitarian purpose. “If their prey turns on them, they’re going to get hair instead of eyes, and the tassle is a decoy,” Karen Miller, Brandon’s owner-handler, tells me between a final round of snipping in preparation for the Breed competition. “They have a roach back, and they’re very agile. So they’ll turn on their prey while the prey is still trying to figure out where the hair ends and the dog starts.”
On Friday nights, Miller, a retired accounting controller, drives from her home in the Poconos, in Pennsylvania, to Manhattan, where Brandon joins a group of other terriers to kill rats. “We go downtown to Broome Street,” she says. “People know us now, and the residents tell us where the rats are. He loves it. That’s what he was born to do.”

BIS NOHS Ashcroft Mystic Red Sky At Night

OH RBIS GCh Ashcroft Mystic Red Sky At Night

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

BIS NOHS Ashcroft Mystic Red Sky At Night

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers

Ashcroft Bedlington Terriers